Once your order ships, contact the shipping provider directly for updates or delays. All other questions: friends@yourparade.com.

Uh oh!

Looks like we are having some issues looking up your tracking number right now.

However, you can track your Parade order directly on the USPS website.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why hasn't my order shipped yet?
We’re doing our very best to have orders ship out as soon as we can—it should ship within 72 hours of your purchase. Have a question about your order? Email us at hi@yourparade.com and we'll gladly help you out!
My order hasn't moved in days! What's happening?
Don't worry! Sometimes our shipping partners are delayed in sending us updates as orders move through their system. Your order should be delivered within 7 to 10 business days from your order date, but you can always email us at hi@yourparade.com if you think there's an issue.
My order says it was delivered, but I can't find the package!
Parade ships in a big red polymailer with our logo on it, so you can't miss it! Sometimes USPS will leave it inside your mailbox or in the mailroom if your building has one. If you're still having trouble finding it, email us at hi@yourparade.com and we'll help get to the bottom of this!
My order arrived but there's an issue!
Oh no! We'll be happy to fix this for you! Email us with your order number and any photos you might have at hi@yourparade.com.